Bearclaw Poppy Trail SHARETWEET

St. George, Utah - USA | Part of the None area
H 0 L 0 ELEV FT.

This Ride Is Directional – Please Take The Proper Route Up/Down

A few years ago, the DMBTA (Dixie Mountain Bike Trails Association) made this trail directional. You ride up on a different route than you descend. If everyone follows this simple rule, it helps keep the ride enjoyable as you will not have to yield to uphill traffic.

The Ride Up

The Ride Down

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  • bearclaw near green valley

Pros: roller coaster hills, slightly down hill on the way back – Fun!

Cons: a few people are not riding in the signed direction – keep an eye out!

We generally start this ride from the Bloomington parking area, ride up to the Green Valley area and then turn around for a fun roller coaster of a ride back. Trails are well marked near the parking area indicating easy and harder routes.

In 2015, this trail was designated as a directional trail to reduce the need for passing and decrease trail widening. There are posted signs indicating uphill, downhill and two-way travel sections. Starting from the trailhead you’ll ride up the Micro Loop tail and descend the traditional trail. There are also be four designated shortcuts to allow for multiple loops and lengths. The upper section of the trail has two way travel.

Acid Drops (optional): The Acid Drops are for intermediate/advanced riders. .

Three fingers of Death (optional): These steep trails drop down to the valley floor.  The left “finger” is easier. The right trails are more steep/scary. You can totally skip these by descending on the trail you used to climb up.

Getting there: (from St. George)

  • I-15 South to exit 4 (Pioneer Rd.) 
  • Continue on Pioneer Rd.
  • Continue on Man O War Rd
  • Continue on Bloomington Dr
  • Turn Left on Navajo Dr
  • Park at Bearclaw Poppy Trailhead (1798 Navajo Dr, St George, UT 84790)
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